Six Things To Know About Using Avocado Powder

Avocado is a useful and versatile ingredient that can be used in many different recipes. In particular, it is often used to make dips and dressings. 

The following are six things to know about using avocado powder

Avocado powder is non-perishable.

One of the most convenient things about avocado powder is that it is non-perishable. With avocado powder, you can have supplies available for a recipe calling for avocado that you don't have to worry will go bad quickly. Unfortunately, fresh avocados only keep for about three days.  

You need to find a dry place to store your avocado powder.

Storing avocado powder properly is important if you want to maintain its quality over time. If avocado powder gets wet, it will be ruined because it may begin to spoil and become discolored.

You should also keep avocado powder in a relatively cool place to optimize its quality as it spends time in storage. 

Avocado powder should be re-hydrated before it is used.

Avocado powder is generally re-hydrated before it is consumed. Avocado powder containers will have instructions on how the powder can be re-hydrated on their labels. Generally, the powder is re-hydrated by adding cool water to it and mixing.

Avocado powder offers many of the same health benefits as fresh avocados.

Avocados are known for having many healthy vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin K, folate, healthy fats, and fiber. Fortunately, you don't have to eat avocados fresh to enjoy all the health benefits. Avocado powder offers much of the same nutritional benefits as fresh avocados. 

Avocado powder is made through a freeze-drying and grinding process.

The process of making avocado powder is somewhat complex. The powder is made from taking fresh avocados and then freeze-drying them. After the avocados are freeze-dried, they then need to be ground down into a fine powder. This fine powder is made to dissolve quickly in water. 

You can keep re-hydrated avocado powder looking fresh a little longer by adding lime or lemon juice.

Perhaps you will prepare avocado powder and not be able to use all of the powder you have re-hydrated at once. You may be able to keep re-hydrated avocado powder in the fridge for a few days without any spoilage or discoloration if you add some lime or lemon juice to it. 

In addition to adding lime or lemon juice, you also need to keep your re-hydrated avocado powder out of direct sunlight if you want to prevent it from becoming discolored. 
